About Us
We are the family and friends of Orlando Rogers who was tragically killed in a plane crash on May 15th 2011. During Orlando’s 26 years and 6 days of life he made the most of every single day and truly lived life to the fullest. In his short time here, before he was cut down in his prime, he notched up many notable achievements and we have set up this charity with an aim to help others by inspiring encouraging and supporting them as Orlando would have done had he still been with us.
The Foundation Aims
Our aim is to inspire, motivate and facilitate people to achieve their full potential when they would not otherwise have the means to do so, and therefore, enabling them to develop personally and contribute positively to society.
By promoting education including social and physical training.
By prevention or relief of poverty or financial hardship, assisting individuals and or other charities in the provision of education, training and healthcare projects to enable self- sufficiency.
To act as a resource by providing advice and assistance and organising and providing access to programmes of physical, educational and other activities.
These very broad aims enable us to work on a variety of projects helping a diversity of people.
The focus at this stage needs to be to encourage those who are able and willing to ‘do’ to go and do and endeavour to assist with fund raising. Let us together try and contribute to raising the quality of life of those who need a hand and try to encourage in the spirit and ethos of Orlando as best we can.
Charitable Purposes
The charitable purposes are to inspire, motivate and facilitate people to achieve their full potential when they would not otherwise have the means to do so and therefore, enabling them to develop personally and contribute positively to society. The aim is to achieve these purposes in the ways set out below:
- For the public benefit to promote the education (including social and physical training) of people in such ways as the charity’s trustees think fit, including by;
- awarding to such persons scholarships, maintenance allowances and grants; and/oproviding their education, to undertake travel in furtherance of that education or to prepare for entry to any occupation, trade or profession on leaving any educational establishment.
- The prevention of relief of poverty or financial hardship anywhere in the world by providing or assisting individuals and/or charities in the provision of education, training, healthcare projects and all the necessary support designed to enable individuals to generate a sustainable income and be self-sufficient
- To act as a resource for people anywhere in the world by providing advice and assistance and organising and providing access to programmes of physical, educational and other activities as a means of:
- advancing in life and helping people by developing their skills, capacities and capabilities to enable them to participate in society as independent, mature and responsible individuals;
- advancing education;
- relieving unemployment; and/or
- providing or providing means to recreational and leisure time activity in the interest of social welfare for the people who have need by reason of their youth, age, infirmity or disability, poverty or social and economic circumstances with a view to improving the conditions of life for such persons.
The Charitible puropses are very wide to enable a diversity of people to be assisted as the charity develops.
Funding Applications
We are pleased to say that we are now ready to receive applications for funding. Please complete and return the attached form.