The Foundations Aims
Our aim is to inspire, motivate and facilitate people to achieve their full potential when they would not otherwise have the means to do so, and therefore, enabling them to develop personally and contribute positively to society.
By promoting education including social and physical training.
By prevention or relief of poverty or financial hardship, assisting individuals and or other charities in the provision of education, training and healthcare projects to enable self- sufficiency.
To act as a resource by providing advice and assistance and organising and providing access to programmes of physical, educational and other activities.
These very broad aims enable us to work on a variety of projects helping a diversity of people.
The charity is in its infancy and not yet ready to award grants or scholarships. The focus at this stage needs to be to encourage those who are able and willing to ‘do’ to go and do and endeavour to assist with fund raising. Let us together try and contribute to raising the quality of life of those who need a hand and try to encourage in the spirit and ethos of Orlando as best we can.